Answers that HEAL!
Mix together quick videos, sage advice and a fun vibe, and you get, Answers That Heal! My goal is to CHAMPION YOUR PURPOSE!
Grab a cup of Pumpkin Spice latte or chi tea and visit my YouTUBE Channel. Like what you see? Then, SHARE! SUBSCRIBE! COMMENT! THANK YOU...
If you have an answer that heals... Contact Deborah Weed
for the opportunity to be featured In one of the upcoming videos!
Take the "who's really my friend test," by watching this quick & fun video! Just think of who is in your life and compare them to ROADS! Look at it this way, if Amy Schumer and JK Rowling are new-found friends, you can choose wisely, too! Tell me, who wouldn't want to be friends with Amy or JK!!!! Inspired by my dad, Benjamin Gindy, this was an Answer That Heals moment that I want to share with YOU! Remember to surround yourself with people who honor, love and treasure your company! ENJOY! And, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for all of the upcoming videos that will give you ANSWERS THAT HEAL!
This video will inspire you to keep on going, even when you hit a few roadblocks on the way to your dream! My dad, Benjamin Gindy, encouraged me with this wisdom and I am delighted to share it with you. There is a lot more to this insight... the video could have gone on for an hour or more. But, this will give you a quick overview of why you may have stopped moving towards your dream and it may just give you the nudge to KEEP ON GOING!! That is definitely my wish!