About Me


Deborah Weed

Speaker ~ Whirlwind of Creativity

Producer ~ Writer ~ Illustrator

Makes Self-worth FUN!

Deborah's 30 years in the entertainment and marketing business was the catalyst for a bold new idea! What if she could write books, illustrate them, create and produce musicals, and develop programs that empowered children and their families to have FUN while learning about self-worth. She's done just that! Deborah is a creative whirlwind, motivator and self-worth ambassador. She is the Founder of the Self-worth Initiative, whose mission is to empower people to have self-worth by instilling confidence, individuality, courage, and creativity. Deborah blends her imagination with a vision to inspire others to believe in themselves.


The One Thing you need to know about me ...

is that I care! Profoundly! My personal mission is to champion and uplift you!

I could share so many stories of why I feel so much compassion. There was a time in my life where I was hovering between life and death. It's a miracle that I'm still here. I know what it feels like to feel lonely and afraid.

There was the time that my husband and I packed four suitcases into our car, sold our house, then traveled around the country. The adventure that became a pilgrimage is etched on my heart. I know what it feels like to jump into the unknown.

My extensive career span has been sprinkled with change. Every ten years I reinvent myself, going from marketing, to entertainment, to being an award-winning artist, to becoming an author and illustrator. I know what it feels like to embrace change.

Throughout my life-long journey, there is one constant ... what I believe about myself is how I interpret the experience. When I feel confident, there are no mistakes and miracles everywhere. When I doubt myself, everything feels as though it is being done to me.

My goal is to collectively help us to value ourselves by making self-worth FUN! Because, I know what it feels like to be human!